School Types: Day School, Day Care, Pre-School, and Boarding School

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School Types: Day School, Day Care, Pre-School, and Boarding School

Education plays a vital role in a child’s life, and parents strive to provide their children with the best possible education. In India, there are various types of educational institutions available, each offering distinct advantages and disadvantages. Four popular options for parents are Day Schools, Day Cares, Pre-Schools, and Boarding Schools. In this blog, we will explore the differences between these school types and their respective admission processes.

Day School:

Day schools are schools where children attend classes during the day and return home in the evening. These schools usually operate from 9 am to 3 pm, and students attend classes from Monday to Friday. Day schools are the most common type of school in India, and they offer a wide range of curricular and extracurricular activities.

Admission Process for Day Schools:

  1. Research: Parents should research different day schools in their locality and gather information about their academic curriculum, faculty, infrastructure, and extracurricular offerings.
  2. Application: Parents need to fill out the school’s application form, providing details about their child’s personal information, academic history, and any additional documents required by the school.
  3. Entrance Exam/Interview: Some day schools may require students to appear for an entrance exam or participate in an interview to assess their aptitude and suitability for admission.
  4. Selection and Admission: Based on the entrance exam/interview performance, the school evaluates the applications and selects students for admission. The school notifies parents of the admission decision, and if accepted, parents complete the admission formalities by submitting the necessary documents and paying the required fees.

Advantages of Day School:

One of the biggest advantages of day schools is that they allow children to spend time with their families. Children can come home after school and spend time with their parents, siblings, and other family members. This can help build stronger family bonds and promote a healthy family environment.

Day schools also provide children with the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, dance, and drama. These activities can help children develop their talents and interests, and also provide them with a break from their academic studies.

Day Care:

Day care centers are institutions that provide care for children during the day while their parents are at work. Day care centers can be either commercial or non-commercial, and they usually operate from 8 am to 6 pm. Day care centers offer a safe and nurturing environment for children, and they provide them with food, educational activities, and other forms of care.

Admission Process for Day Care:

  1. Research: Parents should research different day care centers in their area and consider factors such as safety measures, staff qualifications, curriculum, and facilities.
  2. Visit and Enrollment: Parents can visit the shortlisted day care centers to get a feel for the environment and interact with the staff. If satisfied, they can enroll their child by completing the center’s enrollment form and submitting the required documents.
  3. Agreement and Payment: Parents will be required to sign an agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the day care center. They will also need to pay the enrollment fees and any monthly fees as per the center’s policies.

Advantages of Day Care:

One of the biggest advantages of day care centers is that they provide parents with a safe and reliable place to leave their children while they are at work. Day care centers are staffed by trained professionals who can provide children with care and attention.

Day care centers also offer educational activities for children, such as reading, writing, and math. These activities can help children develop their cognitive and social skills, and also prepare them for school.


Pre-schools are educational institutions that provide education and care for children between the ages of 2 and 5. Pre-schools usually operate from 9 am to 12 pm, and they offer a range of educational activities, such as play, music, and art.

Admission Process for Pre-Schools:

  1. Research: Parents should research different pre-schools in their vicinity, considering factors like curriculum, teaching methodologies, facilities, and the school’s reputation.
  2. Application: Parents need to fill out the pre-school’s application form, providing details about their child’s personal information, medical history, and any other required documents.
  3. Interaction/Assessment: Some pre-schools may schedule an interaction session or conduct an assessment to understand the child’s readiness for pre-school and their ability to participate in the learning activities.
  4. Selection and Admission: Based on the interaction/assessment results, the pre-school evaluates the applications and selects students for admission. Parents are then informed about the admission decision, and if accepted, they complete the admission formalities by submitting the necessary documents and paying the required fees.

Advantages of Pre-School:

Pre-schools provide children with an early educational experience that can help prepare them for school. Pre-schools focus on developing children’s cognitive, social, and emotional skills, and they use a variety of educational activities to achieve this.

Pre-schools also provide children with an opportunity to interact with other children of their age. This can help children develop their social skills and build friendships.

Boarding School:

Boarding schools are institutions where students live and study on campus. Boarding schools provide a comprehensive educational experience that includes academics, sports, arts, and other extracurricular activities. Boarding schools usually admit students between the ages of 8 and 18.

Admission Process for Boarding Schools:

  1. Research: Parents should research different boarding schools, considering factors such as the school’s reputation, academic curriculum, boarding facilities, faculty, and extracurricular offerings.
  2. Application: Parents need to complete the school’s application form, providing detailed information about their child’s personal and academic background. Additional documents such as academic transcripts, recommendation letters, and medical records may also be required.
  3. Entrance Exam/Interview: Many boarding schools conduct entrance exams or interviews to assess a student’s academic abilities, interests, and potential contribution to the school community.
  4. Selection and Admission: Based on the entrance exam/interview performance, the school evaluates the applications and selects students for admission. Parents are notified of the admission decision, and if accepted, they complete the admission formalities by submitting the necessary documents, including a boarding agreement, and paying the required fees.

Advantages of Boarding School:

One of the biggest advantages of boarding schools is that they provide a comprehensive educational experience. Boarding schools offer a range of academic and extracurricular activities, and they provide students with a structured and disciplined environment that can help them develop their character.

Boarding schools also provide students with an opportunity to live away from home and develop their independence. This can help students develop their social and emotional skills, and also prepare them for the challenges of adult life.

By understanding the admission processes and advantages for different types of schools, parents can make informed decisions and ensure their children receive the education and care that aligns with their needs and aspirations. Remember to check the specific admission requirements and procedures of each school, as they may vary.